Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Video - Geometric Theurgy 01 - Creation by Numbers

This video will begin the series on Geometric Theurgy by looking at a story of creation by numbers.  We will develop the symbolic meanings of numbers and explain why these meanings go with the numbers.  This is a profound exegesis on the Pythagorean tetraktys.  Learn how you are part of God's unfoldment of self-knowledge.  Once this is understood, you will be well prepared to begin practicing the highest form of theurgy-- creating your own universe.


  1. Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your experience and insights. You explain not only how we participate in on-going creation but also provide methods of how to deepen our self-knowledge through very specific mathematical meditations. My high-school geometry teacher never mentioned any of this! If he had, perhaps I would have been more motivated to study mathematics. As it turned out, I studied philosophy in college, where mathematics was never part of the equation. Do you have a blog or website where everybody who will be doing these mathematical meditations can share their discoveries?

    1. Glenn your high-school geometry teacher would also wonder why their teacher never taught them any of it as well, and probably be equally amazed. Our mathematics education has never taught anything like this. It was part of a secret tradition in ancient Greek times that was never written down. I have 'downloaded' a lot of these methods and teachings from my spiritual inner teacher(s), not because I'm special but because I prepared my subtle bodies over multiple lifetimes as a member of this secret tradition. Humanity has reached the stage where it no longer needs to be kept secret but can be taught openly like this. I plan to start a web-based mystery school for these teachings where students can interact and share their experiences. Keep following the blogs and the channel for now, it will get much bigger soon.
