Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Post - Introduction and Purpose of This Blog

MATHESIS is inner knowledge of the self gained through mathematical knowledge.  The via mathesis is the system of training one follows to attain this knowledge.  It involves a variety of disciplines in addition to learning and studying mathematics and philosophy.  The purpose of this blog is to demonstrate how philosophical mathematics is used to develop higher consciousness and spiritual abilities.

This means that we must view mathematics very differently than how it is usually seen in the education system.  Mathematics is not to be learned to be of use in trade, industry, or business but rather mathematics is the instruction manual for a process of self-initiation into the deepest mysteries of life.  This process can only work if we allow the content of mathematics to work on our inner life, to transform our soul from within. 

How this process can be best described depends on our current understanding, and I will offer teachings from a variety of paradigms in the content you will find here.  At the most concrete level, the ideas will be grounded in the brain and the body, in actual neurology and brain anatomy, and the connection between memory and the brain.  From there we will gather together concepts related to subtle energies and etheric forces, combine these with laws of mental creation and mind power, and then we will see how this can spark the life of our deepest mystical philosophy, the attainment of mathesis.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any "living tradition" which utilizes mathematics in the way you describe here?
    Are there any good books/ commentaries which describe this?
    Are any of the leading contemporary mathematician who were practitioners of this?
    One may agree that mathesis may lead to some kind of spiritual awakening, but such an awakening, can it help in solving practical problems/ or creating mathematics that would solve the practical problems?
    or for that non-spiritual mathematicians are good enough.
