Draw a circle on paper using a compass. Then look at it for a minute. Then close your eyes and see a memory image of the circle you were just looking at. Do this for 1 minute, then let it fade. Next, mentally visualize a circle drawn in thin white light on a black background. Do this for 1 minute, then let it fade. Next, mentally repeat the definition "a circle is a set of points with equal distance from a center" a total of 7 times. Then sit in silence and feel yourself drawing closer to the pure idea of the circle.
Understand that this idea is eternal, indestructible, and incorruptible. You are now coming into contact with a pure mathematical object which subsists within the higher mind. This is the real circle. It is a perfect unity, a simultaneous whole and is without parts. You are becoming more aware of your own eternal nature and your connection to the divine.
Once again, mentally repeat the definition "a circle is a set of points with equal distance from a center" a total of 7 times. Then visualize a circle for 1 minute, and then draw one on paper using a compass.
When you are drawing the circle on paper, you are operating at the level of body. When visualizing, you are on the level of soul. When repeating the definition, you are at the level of intellect. And when coming into direct union with the real circle you are at the level of The One.
Become aware of a qualitative change of consciousness as you move through the layers. What do you experience as you move up to the next level? Why is it important to come back down to the physical level?
Coming back down to the physical level is a powerful meditative movement. It is a highly theurgical act. Theurgy is the art of physical action which is in resonance with the downward movement of divine ideas into the physical world. By engaging in this powerful, albeit simple theurgical ritual, we are resonating with the circular movement of the heavens and the earth, and thus becoming more aware of the emanation of providence into our world from the divine.